I had to listen to a bunch of people from different versions of TAFE today. It was not fun. Except for the little four week old kitties we got to play with. How stupid are the Animal Science people? NO ONE WAS PAYING ATTENTION AFTER THE KITTIES CAME, GUYS! Jeez. But they were SO cute! One of them LICKED ME! *dies*
TAFE made me sad and I died a little on the inside. BUT! It was funny seeing the presentations. The first couple on PowerPoint were AWESOME, then there was the KITTIES and after was the lady with the WORD DOCUMENT! What a kack. Then... the OVERHEAD TRANSPERENCIES! HAHAHAHAH! That guy was like a non-Asian version of Mr Chui. So funny.
I'm tired.
Monday, November 26, 2007
My ankle has a mosquito bite on it
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Come on, guys!
Someone come see Kate Miller-Heidke with me!
Its only $20!
Come on~
starring stixibuns aired at 1:10 AM 2 ad-breaks
genres: kate miller-heidke
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Got Milk?
I could really go for a glass of milk and some Oreos.
starring stixibuns aired at 7:07 PM 0 ad-breaks
It was the "season finale" of House, MD. today. Season finale my ass. Stupid writers, get over yourselves.
It was FREAKING AWESOME. First off, it had STEVE VALENTINE in it! AS IN, NIGEL from Crossing Jordan! He's only like... MY FAVOURITE CHARACTER! And HE WAS AN ILLUSIONIST! Which was awesome cool. THEN!
I don't think I've ever been so excited.
Oh, but Big Love got evicted. Kutner is my hero, yo.
starring stixibuns aired at 3:09 AM 0 ad-breaks
genres: big love, house, kutner, lupus, writer strike
Mwa ha ha! We're so stupid
Today I went on a Careers excursion to THREE UNIVERSITIES! We went to:
- University of Notre Dame, Sydney
- University of Technology, Sydney
- University of Sydney, Sydney (No, duh.)
I liked Notre Dame except of the whole church thing. It was REALLY pretty. UTS was definitely my favourite because it has a really welcoming atmosphere and it seems like a really fun place. Uni of Sydney was a hole. A pretty hole. But a hole none the less.
My mum and I both locked ourselves out today. Awesome-o!
starring stixibuns aired at 12:59 AM 0 ad-breaks
genres: citee, locked-out, school, university, work
Monday, November 19, 2007
*insert one Mufasa YAWN*
I'm so lazy today~
My mum let me stay home from school today because she was against having to pay five dollars for meditation because my teachers are too lazy to teach us. *winks* Best. Mum. Ever.
So I stayed at home and did two hours of scanning for Carolin (my boss) and now I've watched 6 episodes of Scrubs (two of which I've already watched already today ;D)
Its really freaking hot. But. GOOD NEWS!!!oneoneone!! Criminal Minds may have stopped filming because of the gay Writer's Strike but (YAY) its ONE SEASON BEHIND IN AUSTRALIA so WE STILL GET IT! YAYAYYAYAYA! I'm so excited! ONE TELEVISION SHOW!
OH! MILKSHAKE TIME! Gotta go meet my mum! *waves*
P.S. Like my new layout? I found it on the Internet! Thanks to the person who made it~
starring stixibuns aired at 8:16 PM 1 ad-breaks
genres: home, school, strike, television
Realisation has just hit me like a tonne of bricks...
What the FREAKING HELL am I supposed to do with my WELL LOVED, AND APPRECIATED TV time if all you writers are being PISSY and won't do YOUR FREAKING JOBS?! DAMN STRIKES!
I NEED TELEVISION! Its making me cry as all my television shows that are on their like... 8th episode are advertising "SEASON FINALE OF *insert show*" WHAT THE EFF?!
-Criminal Minds
-House, MD
-Gay's Anatomy
I NEED THEM!!! *cries*
I need to get some DVDs to fill my lonely soul.
starring stixibuns aired at 3:04 AM 0 ad-breaks
genres: cries, criminal minds, gay's anatomy, heroes, house, ncis, strike, supernatural, television
Sunday, November 18, 2007
A little late, eh Sian?
I'm a bit slow with the blogging so I got a few things to write about, yo.
I finished the School Certificate! (YAY!) and even though I have a month of wondering how I did I feel so refreshed, I stepped out of the Computing Skills test and I was like *breathes a sight of relief*. It was awesome. =]
That doesn't seem like I've written much about the SC, LOL!, good onya Sian.
I went on Retreat on Thursday, and for those of you who don't know what a retreat is its essentially a church camp. Yeah, totally a place you can imagine me, right? It was AWESOME (please note the sarcasm). We had to stop and pray so often. Opening prayer, closing prayer, guided reflections, grace before every meal, singing about God, writing letters to God. You name it we did it.
We also got split up into "mini groups" which meant we were stuck in a group of nine with strangers from out year, luckily, my group is aout 1/3 of my year so we all got at least one friend with us. I was in a group with: Stephanie, Amy, Codie, Jade, Danielle, Denise, T-Lad (her nickname, don't know how to spell her real name), and Catherine. Our group leader, Lam, was this huge American who was in the Army. I'm so glad I didn't get Kiara Kim's brother or the Mr Eirth look alike.
There's heaps to write about and I may fill you in on it later, but its freaking hot in my room and I need to go eat some icecream! OH! But first, we played poker at night. I sucked ;D
Love Stix
--Oh, and an early HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! to Jayden. You're my hero, dude!
starring stixibuns aired at 12:20 AM 1 ad-breaks
Thursday, November 1, 2007
I’m a snapshot of the person that you think I ought to be
Ignore the title, its just the line of "Words" by Kate Miller-Heidke that I'm up to listening to. She's my hero, I wish I had a range like her!
I'm just going to put down the CDs that I want.
[1] Like Drawing Blood - Gotye [x]
[2] Little Eve - Kate Miller Heidke [x]
[3] Teenage Graffitti - The Pink Spiders [ ]
[4] Hot Pink - The Pink Spiders [ ]
[5] Sawdust - The Killers [x]
[6] Left and Leaving - The Weakerthans [ ]
Feel free to buy any of those for me ;D
-- Stix
starring stixibuns aired at 3:00 AM 1 ad-breaks
genres: cds, gotye, kate miller-heidke, music, the killers, the pink spiders, the weakerthans
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Time of Death: 2137 October 31st 2007

Burt Computer
Jan 2004- Oct 2007
the best of friends.
starring stixibuns aired at 4:21 AM 1 ad-breaks
Sunday, October 28, 2007
I just got back from the 21st ARIAs. It was pretty cool. James Matherson (is that how its spelt?) was steadily getting drunker and drunker. Rove was stupid, that guy is never funny. Hamish and Andy were there and I love them! YAY! HAMISH AND ANDY! Operator Please were on some sort of energy thing cos man... they were HYPER. JD Trio/Kieth Urban were better than I expected. Silver Finger didn't play the song I wanted to hear. Powder Chair were not very exciting (And I realise I changed the last words). Gotye was AWESOME-O! Someone buy me his CDs!
P.S. John stole me a pass out card! YAY!
starring stixibuns aired at 4:43 AM 1 ad-breaks
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Welcome to Post Number 50
WARNING: Teenage girls all get their ranting time. This is mine.
I've noticed really recently that my close group of friends that I talk to everyday has gotten considerably smaller. I remember the days when I knew heaps about every person in the group I sit with and I considered them all friends. Now, I look around my lunchtime's circle and see people that I don't even know.
I know that I won't get along with a lot of them, maybe because of different tastes, and opinions, but there's old friends who I only talk to in awkward, rambling conversations. I really wish I could be closer friends with these people but if I try will we just drift apart again?
I wonder sometimes if many of these people even like me, my wonderings further fueled by the fact that the majority of my group was invited to a birthday party and I was one of the few left out, what's even sadder is that I considered the birthday girl a good friend, we share many classes and I talk to her on a regular basis. Maybe my thoughts were not shared.
At school I hear my "friends" talking about how they visit each other blogs nightly, its like some sort of strange teenaged ritual, whereas my blog has one, maybe two readers.
I love my close friend, the five girls that I talk to everyday and share everything with, but is it bad for me to want more? I know I should appreciate what I have and how completely awesome my friends are, but...
I don't know.
starring stixibuns aired at 6:24 AM 5 ad-breaks
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
LOL! This is so weird
Rich Kid
[ ] You go tanning.
[x] You own a cell phone.
[ ] You own more than one designer bag.
[ ] You love/like going to the mall.
[x] You own an iPod/MP3 player.
[ ] You love Starbucks.
[x] You have been called a brat.
[ ] You have tons of shoes
[ ] You hate buying things that are on sale
[ ] You have more than one house
total: 3
[ ] Black is one of your favorite colors.
[ ] You have thought about death.
[ ] You wear chains.
[ ] You like heavy metal.
[ ] You've shopped at Hot Topic.
[ ] You have worn black lipstick.
[ ] Your hair was/is dark.
[ ] You dislike preps.
[ ] You're an Atheist
[ ] You have/want piercings.
[ ]you can skateboard
[x]You wear plaid.
[x]You like Converse.
[ ] You hate MTV.
[x] You have/had blue, pink, red, purple, or green hair.
[ ]You love/like skater girls/boys.
[x] You dislike pink.
[ ] You hate preps.
[x] You wear/wore skateboarding shoes.
Total: 5
[x] You love the computer.
[ ] You like Star Wars.
[x] You wear glasses/contacts
[ ] You get straight A's.
[x] You love/like reading.
[x] were/are in band.
[x] You have a curfew.
[x] You always do your homework.
[x] You never miss school unless your sick.
Total: 7
[ ] You are depressed sometimes.
[x]You have black-rimmed glasses.
[ ] You like the band Thursday.
[ ] You cry easily.
[] You like emo music.
[x] You hate being called emo.
[x] You keep a journal/diary.
[x]You have written a sad poem
[x] You have/had a sad MySpace layout.
[x] Take medicines/drugs.
Total: 6
[ ] You like rap.
[ ] You are in a gang.
[ ] You wear rubberbands in your pants.
[ ] You swear a lot.
[ ] You have had a freestyle battle.
Total: 0
[x] You like loud music
[x] You love the Ninja Turtles
[x] You never walk anywhere.
[ ] You wear slip-on shoes.
[ ] You love Norma Jean.
[x] You wear band Tees.
[ ] You love to "hardcore" dance
[x] Your hair has been dyed more than one color.
[] You wear blue jeans.
Total: 5
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
HAHAHA! How awesome is this?!
Stix |
"Procrastination is close to godliness" |
'What is your personal life motto?' at QuizGalaxy.com |
starring stixibuns aired at 1:40 AM 1 ad-breaks
genres: quiz
Friday, September 28, 2007
I hate Spiderman
LOL! Random title, much? Don't worry. It makes sense later =D
I'm finally on holidays! So in many ways "Woo! Awesome" But then I remember the fact that I have to study. Blergh. That sucks. My back is killing me from having to carry all my books home. Sucks >=].
Me and Sanzel are playing with the bad magnetic poetry on Yahoo! Messenger. Its awesome. I believe flower beautyful!
LOL! I'm so tired. Gotta get up tomorrow so I can go shopping. Plus, I must do the work so I can have the money.
Anyway, anyway. I really hate Spiderman. Stupid hero! Superman is so much better. But I like Signal Fire by Snow Patrol (which, is in Spiderman). Its my new FAVOURITEST song =D
Love Stix!
Signal Fire - Snow Patrol
The perfect words never crossed my mind,
Cuz there was nothin' in there but you.
I felt every ounce of me screaming out,
But the sound was trapped deep in me.
All I wanted just sped right past me,
While I was rooted fast to the earth,
I could be stuck here for a thousand years,
Without your arms to drag me out.
There you are standing right in front of me
There you are standing right in front of me
All this fear falls away to leave me naked,
Hold me close, cos I need you to guide me to safety.
No, I don't want to wait forever.
No, I don't want to wait forever.
In the confusion and the aftermath,
You are my signal fire.
The only resolution and the only joy,
Is the faint spark of forgiveness in your eyes.
There you are standing right in front of me
There you are standing right in front of me
All this fear falls away to leave me naked,
Hold me close, cos I need you to guide me to safety.
There you are standing right in front of me
There you are standing right in front of me
All this fear falls away to leave me naked,
Hold me close, cos I need you to guide me to safety.
No, I don't want to wait forever.
No, I don't want to wait forever.
No, I don't want to wait forever.
No, I don't want to wait forever.
starring stixibuns aired at 2:25 AM 0 ad-breaks
genres: holidays, snow patrol, work
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Mike Dirnt – Because he’s just the uber hottie and I *heart* him! Oh! And he’s in Green Day! Mike = Cute, Hot, Purrdy, Handsome, and AWESOME (This doesn’t change cos he’s still the best.)
Matt Damon – People may make fun of him cos he’s sort of got a wonky face, but he’s got the BEST nose ever! EVER, EVER, EVER!
Gary Lightbody – Lead singer of Snow Patrol. He’s like Charlie Cox, totally not cute with long hair. But with short he’s SUPER CUTE! YAY!
Angel/Liam/Angelus – Tall, dark, and handsome. A vampire with a soul. Sweet, huggable and brooding.
Sean Biggerstaff – Plays Oliver Wood in Harry Potter. Cute accent.
Nathan Meister – Played Henry in Black Sheep. I know! How totally embarrassing is that?! But I REALLY liked his hair! And his nose.
Horatio Lyle – Horatio Lyle series. Okay, so he’s a book character, but he’s smart and practical and has a really cool coat.
James and Oliver Phelps (twins) – Played Fred and George in the Harry Potter series. Tall. Red hair. Awesome =]
Hatter Madigan – The Looking Glass Wars. The sane, level headed version of the Mad Hatter. Kick ass fighter. Cool hat.
Jesse Spencer – TV actor (Neighbours and House). Really pretty hair.
Robert Sean Leonard – But only when he was all young and cute, like in Dead Poet’s Society. Yeah, awesome =D
Jasper – Twilight series. He’s tall, dark and handsome, PLUS he’s a vampire AND he can change emotions in a room so you’ll NEVER be sad.
Brandon Flowers – Lead singer of The Killers. Nice smile.
Edward Norton – He’s cool. And has the best voice. ‘Nough said.
Daniel “Oz” Osbourne (Seth Green) – Because, he is the uber awesome/cute guitarist from Buffy and it makes me jealous of Willow!
Hatsuharu Sohma – Fruits Basket. Directionally challenged, split personality ox? So AWESOME!
starring stixibuns aired at 6:49 AM 3 ad-breaks
genres: briiiiiinkley~, cute, list
Friday, September 7, 2007
Snow Petrol
Note: Sian is currently running on about one hundred M&Ms and a good 2 and a half hours of Snow Patrol so please excuse her incoherency =]
I just got back from the Snow Patrol concert. It was FREAKING AWESOME! and I'm now in love with Gary Lightbody and I want Jonny Quinn's name. How cool!
It was really cool cos they played all my favouritests songs and heaps of other ones I really like. PLUS! Sarah bought me a Snow Patrol football jersey and its really cool.
The one thing that sucked was the woman sitting behind me who was filming so I couldn't stand up cos she TOTALLY looked like a yeller.
Sarah was sad because they didn't do Favourite Friend from Songs about Polar Bears. But thats okay, cos they played my favourites and the universe revolves around me and I'm the best.
Here are some of the songs they played; (* means its a favourite)
- Hands Open
- Run *
- CHasing Cars
- Set Fire to the Third Bar *
- Chocolate *
- You're All I Have
- Spitting Games *
- Signal Fire
- Shut Yours Eyes
- Its Beginning to Get to Me *
- Make this Go On Forever
- Headlights on Dark Roads *
- Open Your Eyes
- The Finish Line *
- Grazed Knees
- Ways & Means (I'm fairly sure this was there)
- Tiny Little Fractures *
I think thats all of them...
Gary Lightbody was SO funny. Normally I hate it when musicians talk for ages but he was cool =D
I should go before I start gushing like a fangirl (LyK oH eM gEe! GaRrRrRrY lItEbOoDiI iS sO KeWl!!!!!111!!!!11!)
Night all. =]
Love Stix
P.S. Soon to come: TOp ten reasons why the lead singer from Silversun Pickups is a big emo.
starring stixibuns aired at 6:39 AM 2 ad-breaks
genres: awesome, concert, emos, gary lightbody, music, snow patrol
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Gotta make a move to a town that's right for me
Seeing as I have Funky Town by Pseudo-Echo stuck in my head I'm going to write a blog (cos Jayden is an loser) and copy/paste the lyrics from Funky Town into the blog. Sounds fun, eh?
Gotta make a move to a
town that's right for me
Town to keep me movin'
Keep me gvoovin' with some
Come on. How is that not the GREATEST song in the world ever? Except for about 6 other songs I like WAY WAY WAY more. Speaking of songs, on Friday I'm going to see Snow Patrol! Woo! Yay! Woo!
Well, I talk about it,
Talk about it,
Talk about it,
Talk about it,
Talk about, Talk about,
Talk about movin,
Now that. Is a stupid bridge-y thing. Its not very entertaining but it is HELLA catchy. Oh! Also, on APEC Friday, I'm going to NEWTOWN with the "Friday Gang" (which I get to be in if I pretend to be a bogan/westy or a De La boy). We're going to a Vegan restuarant. I'm going to have Not_Pork buns. Yes, that name includes the underscore. Cool huh?
Gotta move on.
Gotta move on.
Gotta move on
My chest hurts. Not cool. I know thats a rather lousy start of a paragraph-y thing but its true and about me. And this blog (and the universe) revolve around me. =D And they say I'm full of myself. (Its okay, I killed them).
Won't you take me to
Won't you take me to
Won't you take me to
Won't you take me to
Thats the part of the song I don't like so much, cos its like... not as cool as the start. Man, I'm so tired. Sian has not been sleeping well lately. Its cos its cold, then its hot, then its cold.
I've run out of lyrics but the site I stole them off says "Repeat" so if you want them to repeat go scroll up
I handed in my LAST hand in assessment of year 10 today. Pretty cool huh? Although, it is leading up to like a hundred exams to do. Lame. Lame. Lame.
Okay, I should sleep soon.
Night all.
Love Stix
Friday, August 24, 2007
Emo Poetry
The Feeling Very Sorry for Yourself Darkly Gothic Poem
the night falls with a silent sigh, cold and alone are we.
the light for which you sacrifice yourself
flares once, then dies,
smothered by the abyss.
all hope must die.
your heart beats no more.
how could you tear us asunder?
demons surround us, crying,
we are fallen.
The Eternal Love of Vampires Darkly Gothic Poem
just another dang vampire wannabe
It is a night of blood, a song of death,
wolves vent their pain. The eternal one
Darkness shrouds her pale form,
an eternal agony.
Her midnight hair cascades over
translucent ivory shoulders, and her
full crimson lips part slightly, to taste the
red tears streaming from the
pale flesh beneath
Now a night of ecstasy,
I thirst.
The Fear of Religious Persecution Darkly Gothic Poem
Heaven Shunned
Slender beams of radiance enter
this darkened prison as I kneel,
always a slave, always alone,
frozen here,
Tortured forms wrought in panes of glass loom as
dust dances in the air,
forming an image in my mind,
sparing not my naked flesh.
Tears on a deathless face.
I raise my head, now kneeling before
this callous reality.
The Black Abyss of Righteous Hatred Darkly Gothic Poem
death deserved
what have you done to me?
a shadow of darkness as thoughts scream.
once we savored paradise,
innocent and wide-eyed,
but your thirst vanished.
a painful fever of lies -
tears follow death, follow darkness,
love dissolved.
in a haze of bitterness,
i still love you.
The Supernatural Violence & Horror Darkly Gothic Poem
Phantom Pain
Around, all around, the dark memories gather.
My dread grows as the angry hand of Heaven falls against my heart.
It crushes me, and darkly my
life's blood drips
to the cold, uncaring tombstones.
In my madness I cry out, Why?!
while death takes my hand.
Now alone, my blood falls upon bleeding eyes.
This is my salvation
starring stixibuns aired at 4:55 AM 3 ad-breaks
genres: emos, funny poetry, gaybo, hardxcore, i'm so good at this
At the Bronsters
Bronny made a GRAMMER MISTAKE! LOL! She said "Come and join me you too" instead of "Come and join me you two"
Jeez! I'm so not used to this weird laptop keyboard. Its all small and stuffs. Wired.
So, according to my Mum I'm going through another growth spurt. Sucked in. Its freaking painful. Ouchie joints and stuff. Sucks ass.
Tomorrow me and Blon Blon are going to Capitol. I want to make trading cards.
Gotta catch 'em all. Stix and Bron!
My brain is hurting. Too much cookie dough.... Ugh, overdose.
I must go.
Fighting time!
Yeah, Kelis is a prostitute!
Blye for now.
starring stixibuns aired at 4:15 AM 3 ad-breaks
genres: briiiiiinkley~, citee, dofus, hungry, sick
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Shush! I'm at school!
Yeah, in the little Science room!
Say hi to Mai Wife, Nicole and Charlotte! They is here toooooo~!
I finished doing some work on Mendel. Super BORING!
starring stixibuns aired at 7:23 PM 0 ad-breaks
Monday, June 18, 2007
Sucky Subjects, New Words and Cold Feet
Today as I am a year 10 student who will (next year) be in year 11 I had to go with my mum to this subject talk thing, lets just say, after a long time of listening to some lady talk, then some other lady talk, then my favourite teacher talk, we got our subject selection forms. Oh, and I should say that I've had my subjects decided on since last year.
- Advanced English
- Music
- Modern History
- Society and Culture
- General Maths
- Some Churchie thing that I have to do
and so I have to choose one subject from each line and... and... and-FREAKING-AND MUSIC AND SOCIETY AND CULTURE ARE IN THE SAME DAMN LINE! So I might have to do music and legal studies instead.
*sighs angrily*
On to more brighter news, Mr B made up and new word today. emotardity; When you're confronted with no longer rare form of emO creature that has become so self-involved and immersed in shitty emO lyrics they no longer function like a human being with a reasonable IQ, hence the fusion into retarded/stupidity.
Or, as I said:
Stix: Is it like "*yells at the emos at her school* Stop spreading your emotardity around us normal people"?
Stix: Or like...
Stix: "*pretends to be hardcore emo and bleed black blood* I suffer from emotardity*"
*coughs* anyway...
My feet are cold =]
Thursday, June 14, 2007
50 Questions...
1. So, what did you do all day?
Stuff =] But most importantly I got my first comment from ANDREA!!! YAY!
2. What is the most expensive thing you've bought recently?
That crappy DS game. Waste of money =]
3. Last concert (or show) you attended?
Maybe U2?
4. Coolest thing you've gotten in the mail lately:
The cable my dad made me.
5. Describe your favourite article of clothing:
Favourite pants: black punk pants from Camden Market in London, red stitching with red skull and crossbones decorating pockets, hem and various other places, detachable legs, braces.
Favourite shirt: Blue, button-up Superman shirt, 1 in 10000 made, red and yellow stripe on breast pocket, superman crest on breast pocket.
6. Last video game played:
Mario Strikers on Wii.
7. How many CDs do you have by any ONE artist or group?:
Green Day, all.
8. What's for dinner?:
Hungry Jacks.
9. Do you have any collections?:
Green Day, paper clips, badges, letters, keys.
10. What was the last board game you played?:
I think Trivial Pursuit?
11. Who won?:
My mum, probably. I know she cheats.
12. Do you subscribe to any magazines?
Buffy/Angel magazine. Yeah-baby!
13. Last movie you saw at a theater:
14. Last movie you watched at home:
Ocean’s 12. Freaking Awesome. I’m in love with Matt Damon.
15. Do you have any special traditions only you or your family know about?
16. What was the last thing you created:
My poster wall.
17. Are you reading any books right now?:
Umm, Talented Mr Ripley.
18. Do you remember your favorite book from childhood?:
There’s a Hippopotamus on my roof eating cake is what I can think of at the moment.
19. What do you do when you can't fall asleep?:
Get up and play Dofus.
20. Have you ever randomly bumped into a actor/actress/or other generally famous person on the street?:
Yes, Tom Cruise.
21. Are you more likely to read a book you've never read before if it's been made into a movie?:
22. Have you discovered what podcasts are yet? Do you have a favorite?:
Yes, Hamish and Andy closely followed by The Official Dofus Podcast.
23.What is your favorite kind of food that you only get to have once a year:
Christmas Mint Cookies.
24. What's that noise?:
25. Last DVD box set you bought?:
Umm… Numbers Season 2.
26. Are there any musical artists that you used to like but don't anymore because their style of music changed too much?:
*shrugs* Probably, just can’t remember =P
27. Are there any covers you think are better than the original?
Working Class Hero – Green Day
Tired of Waiting For You – Green Day
28. What food(s) do you go to the store for ASAP when you run out?:
29. Isn't there another appropriate response for "I love you" besides "I love you, too."?:
I love me too =]
30. Last new artist that you listened to and really liked:
I dunno.
31. Last new one you hated:
All of them =]
32. In which country do you wish you'd been born?
33. When was the last time you were scared shitless?:
Heaps of times.
34. Do you like it when old ladies refer to you as "Dear", or "Hon", or "Sugar"?:
No. That’s freaking weird, ‘specially those who like… DON’T KNOW ME!
35. What is your favorite physical flaw:
My constant growth spurt =]
36. Share random fact about yourself:
I’m freaking cold =] And ANDREA is AWESOME!
37. What's the best field trip you ever went on?:
I dunno. The ones without worksheets =P
38. Have you ever dressed up for Halloween at work?:
Yes. I wore a witches hat to school once.
39. Do you have any clothes that you pilfered or inherited from your parents?:
Yep, a jumper from my Dad.
40. How old is "old" to you?:
41. What was the last free thing you've gotten?:
A present from my Dad
42. What's your favorite black and white movie?:
To Kill A Mockingbird
43. What color would you like to bleed?:
Black! So I can go up to emos and say “Yeah! I actually DO bleed black blood! I’m way more hardcore than you!” Damn Elmos.
44. Do you know any Furries?:
I know someone who knows Furries.
45. If you have a wall calender, what kind is it?:
Green Day =]
46. Have you ever been to a convention?:
Yep, a sucky anime one. I cosplayed.
47. If you were to dress up as a musician, which one would you be?:
Mike Dirnt (SO AWESOME!)
48. Do you have a thing about ruining new stuff by personalizing?:
49. Ever have those moments when you realize that you somehow just cheated death?:
50. Does it boggle your mind?:
I don’t know, because I’ve never cheated death. DUH! Stupid Quiz.
♥ for Sanzel
♥ for ANDREA!
starring stixibuns aired at 4:06 AM 0 ad-breaks
genres: quiz
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Freaking AWESOME!
Yeah, baby! My blog is FINALLY working again! 'Cept, now MySpace has gone and died on me. initiate sarcasm Woo. Awesome. conclude sarcasm
But thats okay, cos I've got DOFUS! YAY! Uh-huh, uh-huh. I'm suddenly reminded of Hungry Jacks. Man, I could go for a Hungry Jacks Vegie Supreme Burger. *drool drool*
God, I'm so hungry now.
I had a five day weekend this weekend. See, cos I was "sick" on Thursday, Pupil-Free-Day on Friday, then obviously it was Saturday, now Sunday (woo! Sunday) and then it's the Queen's Birthday.
I saw Zodiac yesterday. My familt fully thought I'd be like peeing my pants but I'd read about the Zodiac killer like 3 years ago, while I was home alone (yeah, take my advice and don't EVER do that) so I totally knew all the stuff that happened. LOL! My mum kept asking me questions.
I've also decided I really like the Ocean's movies (Ocean's 11, Ocean's 12, and hopefully Ocean's 13) so I'm watching them at the moment. Awesome-o. And tomorrow I'm going to see Bridge to Terabithia cos I really like that book and I hope the movie doesn't wreck it.
Oh! On Friday I went to the city with my friends. We went karaoke (awesome) And we took sticker photos, but it was like... POURING down. ANd my shoes and socks got so wet and my feet were so cold they hurt =] And some lady yelled at us when I tried to take photos of Sally in Gothic Lolita clothes PLEASE DELETE!
Man, its so damned cold. Freaking Winter! *looks at her warm bed* Maybe I should go back to sleep =P
Okay, well I'm gunan go borrow some movies from Civic.
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Yo yo yo foshizzle my nizzle
I'm on holidays
I'm at my sisters house. Such pretty, fast internet. *big love heart eye* Its so cool!
I mean, I was watching stuff on YouTube and it loaded SO fast I was like... drooling!!!
I'm sleepy. =]
Enjoy your easter eggs =]
Love Stix
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Yo Yo Yo Mah homies! Gnagsta talk!
Warning: Large amounts of Quin's gangsta talk will kill people =]
Happy Birthday Bent
Quin's Third Podcasty thing.mp3
starring stixibuns aired at 2:09 PM 4 ad-breaks
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Monday, March 19, 2007
Long time no see =P
Rah! I haven't blogged for AGES! *shakes head* Stupid Internet security blocks Blogger.com on my computer. Totally gay~
Sigh. I just finished work so I'm sitting around bloggin' and stuff till I can go home.
Double Sigh. I got my English and Japanese assignments back today. I'm disappointed. My New Years Revolution was to study and get lots of As. I got a B in English. And a C (!!!!) in Japanese. Sigh. I suck at Jap.
My teacher sucks though, so my suckage is only partly my fault.
I'm sort of angry at some of my friends (who shall remain nameless incase they read this). RaaaH! They make me so mad! I won't talk about it here. =P That would be mean.
Sigh. I need to study more. I did my Maths homework yesterday AND today though *proud*
I go home now.
Love Love
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
My computer at home is being uber gay and isn't letting Blogger work. So here I am at one of the crappy computers at work blogging about the past like 2 weeks or something.
Nothing has happened. =]
Well, I did go back to school. (Waaaah! Holidays) And on the second day back I got tonsilitis again (Yay! Mini vacation!). Dr Scary-sits-too-close-specialist-man says I have to have my tonsils out. Jeez, man! I coulda told you that!
Stupid head!
I'm so tired. I have 11 assignments to do~! Waah! And half of them are due next week! =P (Edit: I finished one~ =])
Well, I should go home now (Yay!)
Love Stix
starring stixibuns aired at 10:51 PM 0 ad-breaks
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Bloggin' for Tigo~
I haven't blogged for AGES~ cos my Internet at home is being lame and won't let Blogger work. LAME!
I'm at Tigo and "Cherm"'s house~ And Me and Tigo are playing Dofus with --Evangelion-- and "Cherm" is playing original Zelda. AWESOME!!!!!!
I have 11 AP in Dofus and it is SO cool! I can hit things twice with my sword~ AWESOME-O!
Yeah, baby
*hearts* to Tigo.
Love Quin~
starring stixibuns aired at 4:07 AM 0 ad-breaks
genres: dofus
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Its was too hot at work today.
I got to sit in comfy chairs though.
I drew a cat on my hand.
starring stixibuns aired at 4:34 PM 1 ad-breaks
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
I forgot to post these.
Tigo and I wrote each other some stories a while, I said I'd post them. =]
Prompt: Marshmellows
Word Count: 190
Written by: Me~!
God, she was in heaven, everywhere you looked there was candy. Candy to the left, candy to the right, even the people where made of candy.
She wondered how she would go about eating this world without, like, being thrown in jail or something bad like that. That was when she spotted the field. The field with no one in it. There was candy corn and Toffee Apples. If she was very, very quiet, MAYBE, just maybe, she would be able to eat some of the delicious sugary goodness before they caught her.
She tiptoed to the fence that surrounded the field. She slowly climbed over it and grabbed the first thing her hand touched.
Oh my God! It was a MARSHMELLOW! Not a marshmallow! Anything but a marshmallow.
She gasped at the marshmallow expanded, slowly devouring her hand, then arm. If she didn’t scream for help it would suffocate her.
“Heeeeeeeeelp!” She yelped, hoping that someone, anyone would hear her.
But, it was too late; the evil marshmallow had completely swallowed her, and as it innocently sat waiting for the next hungry child, you could almost hear it laughing.
Prompt: Comborack
Word Count: 837
Written by: Briiiiiinkley~!
Once upon a time there was an incredibly wealthy man and, in time, his beautiful trophy wife gave birth to a tiny son. The wealthy man knew that his son would be incredibly successful, and so the son – let’s call him Jack-Jack – was pushed at every instant to do the best he could in any given situation.
At age 17, he finished school with a UAI of 99.9. His father was so impressed that he took his son aside and said, “Jack-Jack, I’m so impressed with you that I’ll give you a gift. Any gift at all. Tell me what you want. Money’s no object.”
Jack-Jack paused for a moment, thought deeply, and then finally replied to his father. “I’d like a comborack, please.”
“A what?”
“A comborack. I’d like a comborack, please,” Jack-Jack restated simply.
“Right-o, son,” the father replied, “I’ll buy you a car then.” And the father bought Jack-Jack a car.
Four years later, Jack-Jack finished university with a High Distinction average and Honours. His father was so impressed that he took his son aside and said, “Jack-Jack, I’m so impressed with you that I’ll give you a gift. Any gift at all. Tell me what you want. Money’s no object.”
Jack-Jack paused for a moment, thought deeply, and then finally replied to his father. “I’d like a comborack, please.”
“A what?”
“A comborack. I’d like a comborack, please,” Jack-Jack restated simply.
“Right-o, son,” the father replied, “I’ll buy you a boat then.” And the father bought Jack-Jack a boat.
Three years after that, Jack-Jack met the girl of his dreams and got married. His father was so impressed that he took his son aside and said, “Jack-Jack, I’m so impressed with you that I’ll give you a gift. Any gift at all. Tell me what you want. Money’s no object.”
Jack-Jack paused for a moment, thought deeply, and then finally replied to his father. “I’d like a comborack, please.”
“A what?”
“A comborack. I’d like a comborack, please,” Jack-Jack restated simply.
“Right-o, son,” the father replied, “I’ll buy you a house for you and your lovely wife Stix.” And the father bought Jack-Jack and Stix a house.
Two years after that, Jack-Jack and Stix were blessed with twin sons. His father was so impressed that he took his son aside and said, “Jack-Jack, I’m so impressed with you that I’ll give you a gift. Any gift at all. Tell me what you want. Money’s no object.”
Jack-Jack paused for a moment, thought deeply, and then finally replied to his father. “I’d like a comborack, please.”
“A what?”
“A comborack. I’d like a comborack, please,” Jack-Jack restated simply.
“Right-o, son,” the father replied, “I’ll buy you a jet, so you and your family can travel all over the world.” And the father bought Jack-Jack, Stix, Jordan and Thomas a jet to travel all over the world in.
Two years after the twin boys were born, Jack-Jack was offered a job as a prestigious law firm. His father was so impressed that he took his son aside and said, “Jack-Jack, I’m so impressed with you that I’ll give you a gift. Any gift at all. Tell me what you want. Money’s no object.”
Jack-Jack paused for a moment, thought deeply, and then finally replied to his father. “I’d like a comborack, please.”
“A what?”
“A comborack. I’d like a comborack, please,” Jack-Jack restated simply.
“Right-o, son,” the father replied, “I’ll buy you an island, then, so you can fly your jet there and have a holiday.” And so the father bought Jack-Jack, Stix, Jordan and Thomas an island to fly their jet to.
Six months later, Jack-Jack, Stix, Jordan and Thomas were flying in their jet to their island while Jack-Jack was on holiday from the prestigious law firm. Jack-Jack had recently acquired his pilot’s license and was flying the jet himself (much like John Travolta does). As Jack-Jack was about the begin the landing to the island, the jet blew up.
Jack-Jack came to on the island with both his legs blown off. His father had been alerted to the crisis by the black box on the jet and when Jack-Jack woke, his father was sitting next to him, crying.
“Jack-Jack,” he said sadly, “you’re dying. My one and only son. You’ve accomplished so much. You’re educated, you have a great job and you have a wonderful family. I’ve tried to give you so much over the years. Now, I can give you a dying wish. Anything at all. Anything you like. What do you want? Money’s no object.”
“Well, Dad,” Jack-Jack began. “There’s something I’ve been asking for all these years, and I’d really like one now.”
“A comborack?” Father asked.
Jack-Jack managed a nod. “Yes. Please, get me a comborack. That’s all I want before I die.” His father nodded, weeping steadily.
“Sure thing, Jack-Jack,” he smiled sadly. “But, I have to ask ... what’s a comborack?”
Jack-Jack smiled back. “Well, Dad,” he said, “a comborack is ...” and then he died.
Prompt: Someone who is in love with people who dress up as superheroes at theme parks.
Word Count: 358
Written by: Me~!
Ever since Bronny was a child she had loved theme parks. Everything about them fascinated her, the rides, the shows, the food... Oh, and the sexy superheroes…
Bronny had a secret; she was obsessed with people who dressed up as superheroes. She would go to her local theme park and stare at all the hotties. Her favourites were Daddy Long-Legs, and The Atom. Of course, she didn’t discriminate; she quite liked the female superheroes too. Especially Wonder woman. Yeah, baby!
One day, she was sitting in her favourite spot, under a tree just behind the place where the superheroes stood. Today it was Superman and Batman, yeah, those two were nice. Sometimes, Bronny liked imagined she was married to the actor who played Batman, jeez, he was nice.
“Ow!” Something fell from above, hitting her head. She peered throught the branches of the trees above and saw a glimpse of orange. Orange, in a tree? How strange. Bronny decided to climp up the tree to investigate. She grabbed hold of the lowest branch and hauled herself up; she steadily climbed higher and higher until she grabbed a branch that felt oddly like denim. Oh my God! It was a boy.
“Excuse me?” She said. He turned, binoculars clutched in his hands. “Yes, how can I help you?”
“What are you doing up here?” She asked.
He blushed. “I like looking at the people who dress up like superheroes. I think they’re really… hot.”
Bronny was amazed, she’d never met anyone who felt the same way as her. “No way! Me too! My names Bronny.”
“Jack-Jack. Who’s your favourite?”
“I really like Daddy Long-Legs, The Atom… and Wonder Woman.” She blushed, not that she was embarrassed, it was just weird admitting things like this to someone she didn’t know.
“I like Wonder Woman! She’s hot.” He reddened, “And Superman and Batman. That’s why I’m here today; I knew they’d be together.”
“How did you know?”
“My father owns this theme park…”
“Jack-Jack, I think this could be the start of a beautiful friendship”
starring stixibuns aired at 12:33 AM 0 ad-breaks
genres: bored, briiiiiinkley~, writing
Monday, January 15, 2007
I forgot to update yesterday, its not my fault, I was awake for almost two days straight. Bad, eh? Dofus is just to awesome.
Happy Birthday to my dad. I haven't phoned him. LOL. I didn't phone him last year either, if he wasn't so damn hard to contact it wouldn't be a problem.
I'm hanging out with people from school tomorrow. Or today. We're going to the CITEE~
Awesome. Hopefully my pay will've going into my bank by then and I'll have money.
People seem to think I'm in a funk. I've been getting "Are you okay?"s from everyone. *rolls eyes*
starring stixibuns aired at 6:41 AM 0 ad-breaks
Saturday, January 13, 2007
I heart Shor
She gave me a Little Black Bow Wow. I named it London
Now I have a Little Black Bow Wow named London
A Fire Bwak named Chubby Carl
And a Ghast named Rowan.
How awesome?
starring stixibuns aired at 11:26 AM 0 ad-breaks
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Happy Birthday to Me
Well, It is the day I was born. Of course, 15 years ao at this time, my MUm would've probably've been in labour. LOL!
It was a very nice midnight, I was playing Dofus, a friend in Dubai asked if it was 11:59 and I said it was and at midnight, I got my first 12th January Birthday Wish. And he gave me a Fire Kwakblade. Awesome? It is. My friend Shor gave me like 100 bread. I'll never run out now! yay!
John gave me his limited edition Superman shirt. Only 10000 were made. I feel uber special. He's taking me ice skating tomorrow.
Night all.
starring stixibuns aired at 7:55 AM 0 ad-breaks
My REALLY bad attempt at writing Angst
by me.
An overwhelming coldness washed over him as she heard, the news broke her heart in millions of pieces, never to be repaired.
She couldn’t stay in the stifling atmosphere of this room, she had to run.
So she did.
She left the room and ran. And ran. And ran.
Strangers watched as a young girl passed them, many of them disregarding it.
She was nothing to them.
But one, a pale boy, he watched her, and he thought, and he followed.
Followed her down the long road, followed as she turned down a narrow street, followed as she ran through crowds of people. Many would’ve lost her; many would’ve given up, not this boy.
This boy followed. And followed. And followed.
She stopped outside a small brick house. The black ribbon tied around the door handle meant that an occupant of the house had passed away. A stupid tradition many believed.
The girl cried as she watched the ribbon away in the wind.
A boy stepped forward out of the shadows and cleared his throat. The girl jumped. She wasn’t expecting this; she was expecting her grief to swallow her up whole. All that would be left would be the fragments of her broken hearts. She turned around.
She stared at the boy. And stared. And stared.
Before her stood a boy about her age, pale, with silky brown hair, and soft green eyes. She crumbled into his open arm and cried. My kitten died, she whispered. Shh, don’t fret, he answered, as the first tears fell from his eyes.
They stood for many hours, in front of the small brick house, tears streaming down their faces. The boy pulled back from her. I must go. She whimpered. Don’t leave me. Not again.
He shook his head, I’m sorry, and he began to fade. And fade. And fade.
Her tears began to fall again and she stretched her hand to touch where the boy had just occupied.
Come back, she whispered to the wind, come back, Kitten.
The start is terrible. Please beat me to death.
starring stixibuns aired at 3:15 AM 0 ad-breaks
genres: writing
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Status: 14 Years and 364 days old
At 10: 11 tomorrow I will be 14 years and 365 days old.
I've goteen three Happy Birthdays so far.
1. Sally.
*snail* says:
2. Phuong
- ´·¸°ºo·˚ˇ΄(F) .pħūŏŋģà. (F)΄ˇ˚·oº°¸·´ - mє №¹ bOy xoxo … 2moro ish me burfdaii! says:
happy burdaii for tomoro
(its her birthday tomorrow to so HAPPY BIRTHDAY PHUONG!
3. Jessica
- [ J e s s i c a ] - [ If you take an Oriental person and spin him around several times, does he become disoriented? ] - says:
happy bday for tomorrow
Lovely, eh?
I'm not playing Dofus because there's nothing to do. Sigh
starring stixibuns aired at 10:27 PM 0 ad-breaks
Saturday, January 6, 2007
Dofus is SO gay
Oh my God. Helsofar's wife/fiance is CRAZY! She gets us in to this fight, and then LEAVES us with these ANNOYING people who make me want to stab mself in the EYE.
And we're going to die because they're SPASTIC!
*stabs them*
starring stixibuns aired at 9:05 AM 1 ad-breaks
genres: anger, dofus, spastic players
Friday, January 5, 2007
Sort of feeling sad but happy.
Playing Dofus.
Kind of sleepy.
starring stixibuns aired at 5:00 AM 0 ad-breaks
Thursday, January 4, 2007
I got soul, but I'm not a soldier
Why? Why? WHY?
I didn't REALLLY mean to say it.
starring stixibuns aired at 10:04 AM 0 ad-breaks
Wednesday, January 3, 2007
Stoopid Blon Blon and her guilt trips.
It was just some fun cos I was bored.
Jeez, it was her fault ANYWAY.
Now I have to apologize.
It was sort of depressing when he was like "Whats wrong Quinny?"
Okay! New Years Resolution: Don't be so mean to everyone.
starring stixibuns aired at 6:00 AM 0 ad-breaks
genres: dofus
Monday, January 1, 2007
Little Peter Rabbit has a Fly Upon his nose.
Little Peter rabbit has a fly upon his nose.
Little Peter rabbit has a fly upon his nose.
Little Peter rabbit has a fly upon his nose.
And he flicked it till it flew away.
That song is stuck in my head.
My brother made a version: Little Strange Quinterra is really bloody weird.
Isn't he a lovely person.
I'm playing Dofus. =)
starring stixibuns aired at 3:03 AM 0 ad-breaks