I haven't blogged for AGES~ cos my Internet at home is being lame and won't let Blogger work. LAME!
I'm at Tigo and "Cherm"'s house~ And Me and Tigo are playing Dofus with --Evangelion-- and "Cherm" is playing original Zelda. AWESOME!!!!!!
I have 11 AP in Dofus and it is SO cool! I can hit things twice with my sword~ AWESOME-O!
Yeah, baby
*hearts* to Tigo.
Love Quin~
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Bloggin' for Tigo~
starring stixibuns aired at 4:07 AM 0 ad-breaks
genres: dofus
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Its was too hot at work today.
I got to sit in comfy chairs though.
I drew a cat on my hand.
starring stixibuns aired at 4:34 PM 1 ad-breaks
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
I forgot to post these.
Tigo and I wrote each other some stories a while, I said I'd post them. =]
Prompt: Marshmellows
Word Count: 190
Written by: Me~!
God, she was in heaven, everywhere you looked there was candy. Candy to the left, candy to the right, even the people where made of candy.
She wondered how she would go about eating this world without, like, being thrown in jail or something bad like that. That was when she spotted the field. The field with no one in it. There was candy corn and Toffee Apples. If she was very, very quiet, MAYBE, just maybe, she would be able to eat some of the delicious sugary goodness before they caught her.
She tiptoed to the fence that surrounded the field. She slowly climbed over it and grabbed the first thing her hand touched.
Oh my God! It was a MARSHMELLOW! Not a marshmallow! Anything but a marshmallow.
She gasped at the marshmallow expanded, slowly devouring her hand, then arm. If she didn’t scream for help it would suffocate her.
“Heeeeeeeeelp!” She yelped, hoping that someone, anyone would hear her.
But, it was too late; the evil marshmallow had completely swallowed her, and as it innocently sat waiting for the next hungry child, you could almost hear it laughing.
Prompt: Comborack
Word Count: 837
Written by: Briiiiiinkley~!
Once upon a time there was an incredibly wealthy man and, in time, his beautiful trophy wife gave birth to a tiny son. The wealthy man knew that his son would be incredibly successful, and so the son – let’s call him Jack-Jack – was pushed at every instant to do the best he could in any given situation.
At age 17, he finished school with a UAI of 99.9. His father was so impressed that he took his son aside and said, “Jack-Jack, I’m so impressed with you that I’ll give you a gift. Any gift at all. Tell me what you want. Money’s no object.”
Jack-Jack paused for a moment, thought deeply, and then finally replied to his father. “I’d like a comborack, please.”
“A what?”
“A comborack. I’d like a comborack, please,” Jack-Jack restated simply.
“Right-o, son,” the father replied, “I’ll buy you a car then.” And the father bought Jack-Jack a car.
Four years later, Jack-Jack finished university with a High Distinction average and Honours. His father was so impressed that he took his son aside and said, “Jack-Jack, I’m so impressed with you that I’ll give you a gift. Any gift at all. Tell me what you want. Money’s no object.”
Jack-Jack paused for a moment, thought deeply, and then finally replied to his father. “I’d like a comborack, please.”
“A what?”
“A comborack. I’d like a comborack, please,” Jack-Jack restated simply.
“Right-o, son,” the father replied, “I’ll buy you a boat then.” And the father bought Jack-Jack a boat.
Three years after that, Jack-Jack met the girl of his dreams and got married. His father was so impressed that he took his son aside and said, “Jack-Jack, I’m so impressed with you that I’ll give you a gift. Any gift at all. Tell me what you want. Money’s no object.”
Jack-Jack paused for a moment, thought deeply, and then finally replied to his father. “I’d like a comborack, please.”
“A what?”
“A comborack. I’d like a comborack, please,” Jack-Jack restated simply.
“Right-o, son,” the father replied, “I’ll buy you a house for you and your lovely wife Stix.” And the father bought Jack-Jack and Stix a house.
Two years after that, Jack-Jack and Stix were blessed with twin sons. His father was so impressed that he took his son aside and said, “Jack-Jack, I’m so impressed with you that I’ll give you a gift. Any gift at all. Tell me what you want. Money’s no object.”
Jack-Jack paused for a moment, thought deeply, and then finally replied to his father. “I’d like a comborack, please.”
“A what?”
“A comborack. I’d like a comborack, please,” Jack-Jack restated simply.
“Right-o, son,” the father replied, “I’ll buy you a jet, so you and your family can travel all over the world.” And the father bought Jack-Jack, Stix, Jordan and Thomas a jet to travel all over the world in.
Two years after the twin boys were born, Jack-Jack was offered a job as a prestigious law firm. His father was so impressed that he took his son aside and said, “Jack-Jack, I’m so impressed with you that I’ll give you a gift. Any gift at all. Tell me what you want. Money’s no object.”
Jack-Jack paused for a moment, thought deeply, and then finally replied to his father. “I’d like a comborack, please.”
“A what?”
“A comborack. I’d like a comborack, please,” Jack-Jack restated simply.
“Right-o, son,” the father replied, “I’ll buy you an island, then, so you can fly your jet there and have a holiday.” And so the father bought Jack-Jack, Stix, Jordan and Thomas an island to fly their jet to.
Six months later, Jack-Jack, Stix, Jordan and Thomas were flying in their jet to their island while Jack-Jack was on holiday from the prestigious law firm. Jack-Jack had recently acquired his pilot’s license and was flying the jet himself (much like John Travolta does). As Jack-Jack was about the begin the landing to the island, the jet blew up.
Jack-Jack came to on the island with both his legs blown off. His father had been alerted to the crisis by the black box on the jet and when Jack-Jack woke, his father was sitting next to him, crying.
“Jack-Jack,” he said sadly, “you’re dying. My one and only son. You’ve accomplished so much. You’re educated, you have a great job and you have a wonderful family. I’ve tried to give you so much over the years. Now, I can give you a dying wish. Anything at all. Anything you like. What do you want? Money’s no object.”
“Well, Dad,” Jack-Jack began. “There’s something I’ve been asking for all these years, and I’d really like one now.”
“A comborack?” Father asked.
Jack-Jack managed a nod. “Yes. Please, get me a comborack. That’s all I want before I die.” His father nodded, weeping steadily.
“Sure thing, Jack-Jack,” he smiled sadly. “But, I have to ask ... what’s a comborack?”
Jack-Jack smiled back. “Well, Dad,” he said, “a comborack is ...” and then he died.
Prompt: Someone who is in love with people who dress up as superheroes at theme parks.
Word Count: 358
Written by: Me~!
Ever since Bronny was a child she had loved theme parks. Everything about them fascinated her, the rides, the shows, the food... Oh, and the sexy superheroes…
Bronny had a secret; she was obsessed with people who dressed up as superheroes. She would go to her local theme park and stare at all the hotties. Her favourites were Daddy Long-Legs, and The Atom. Of course, she didn’t discriminate; she quite liked the female superheroes too. Especially Wonder woman. Yeah, baby!
One day, she was sitting in her favourite spot, under a tree just behind the place where the superheroes stood. Today it was Superman and Batman, yeah, those two were nice. Sometimes, Bronny liked imagined she was married to the actor who played Batman, jeez, he was nice.
“Ow!” Something fell from above, hitting her head. She peered throught the branches of the trees above and saw a glimpse of orange. Orange, in a tree? How strange. Bronny decided to climp up the tree to investigate. She grabbed hold of the lowest branch and hauled herself up; she steadily climbed higher and higher until she grabbed a branch that felt oddly like denim. Oh my God! It was a boy.
“Excuse me?” She said. He turned, binoculars clutched in his hands. “Yes, how can I help you?”
“What are you doing up here?” She asked.
He blushed. “I like looking at the people who dress up like superheroes. I think they’re really… hot.”
Bronny was amazed, she’d never met anyone who felt the same way as her. “No way! Me too! My names Bronny.”
“Jack-Jack. Who’s your favourite?”
“I really like Daddy Long-Legs, The Atom… and Wonder Woman.” She blushed, not that she was embarrassed, it was just weird admitting things like this to someone she didn’t know.
“I like Wonder Woman! She’s hot.” He reddened, “And Superman and Batman. That’s why I’m here today; I knew they’d be together.”
“How did you know?”
“My father owns this theme park…”
“Jack-Jack, I think this could be the start of a beautiful friendship”
starring stixibuns aired at 12:33 AM 0 ad-breaks
genres: bored, briiiiiinkley~, writing
Monday, January 15, 2007
I forgot to update yesterday, its not my fault, I was awake for almost two days straight. Bad, eh? Dofus is just to awesome.
Happy Birthday to my dad. I haven't phoned him. LOL. I didn't phone him last year either, if he wasn't so damn hard to contact it wouldn't be a problem.
I'm hanging out with people from school tomorrow. Or today. We're going to the CITEE~
Awesome. Hopefully my pay will've going into my bank by then and I'll have money.
People seem to think I'm in a funk. I've been getting "Are you okay?"s from everyone. *rolls eyes*
starring stixibuns aired at 6:41 AM 0 ad-breaks
Saturday, January 13, 2007
I heart Shor
She gave me a Little Black Bow Wow. I named it London
Now I have a Little Black Bow Wow named London
A Fire Bwak named Chubby Carl
And a Ghast named Rowan.
How awesome?
starring stixibuns aired at 11:26 AM 0 ad-breaks
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Happy Birthday to Me
Well, It is the day I was born. Of course, 15 years ao at this time, my MUm would've probably've been in labour. LOL!
It was a very nice midnight, I was playing Dofus, a friend in Dubai asked if it was 11:59 and I said it was and at midnight, I got my first 12th January Birthday Wish. And he gave me a Fire Kwakblade. Awesome? It is. My friend Shor gave me like 100 bread. I'll never run out now! yay!
John gave me his limited edition Superman shirt. Only 10000 were made. I feel uber special. He's taking me ice skating tomorrow.
Night all.
starring stixibuns aired at 7:55 AM 0 ad-breaks
My REALLY bad attempt at writing Angst
by me.
An overwhelming coldness washed over him as she heard, the news broke her heart in millions of pieces, never to be repaired.
She couldn’t stay in the stifling atmosphere of this room, she had to run.
So she did.
She left the room and ran. And ran. And ran.
Strangers watched as a young girl passed them, many of them disregarding it.
She was nothing to them.
But one, a pale boy, he watched her, and he thought, and he followed.
Followed her down the long road, followed as she turned down a narrow street, followed as she ran through crowds of people. Many would’ve lost her; many would’ve given up, not this boy.
This boy followed. And followed. And followed.
She stopped outside a small brick house. The black ribbon tied around the door handle meant that an occupant of the house had passed away. A stupid tradition many believed.
The girl cried as she watched the ribbon away in the wind.
A boy stepped forward out of the shadows and cleared his throat. The girl jumped. She wasn’t expecting this; she was expecting her grief to swallow her up whole. All that would be left would be the fragments of her broken hearts. She turned around.
She stared at the boy. And stared. And stared.
Before her stood a boy about her age, pale, with silky brown hair, and soft green eyes. She crumbled into his open arm and cried. My kitten died, she whispered. Shh, don’t fret, he answered, as the first tears fell from his eyes.
They stood for many hours, in front of the small brick house, tears streaming down their faces. The boy pulled back from her. I must go. She whimpered. Don’t leave me. Not again.
He shook his head, I’m sorry, and he began to fade. And fade. And fade.
Her tears began to fall again and she stretched her hand to touch where the boy had just occupied.
Come back, she whispered to the wind, come back, Kitten.
The start is terrible. Please beat me to death.
starring stixibuns aired at 3:15 AM 0 ad-breaks
genres: writing
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Status: 14 Years and 364 days old
At 10: 11 tomorrow I will be 14 years and 365 days old.
I've goteen three Happy Birthdays so far.
1. Sally.
*snail* says:
2. Phuong
- ´·¸°ºo·˚ˇ΄(F) .pħūŏŋģà. (F)΄ˇ˚·oº°¸·´ - mє №¹ bOy xoxo … 2moro ish me burfdaii! says:
happy burdaii for tomoro
(its her birthday tomorrow to so HAPPY BIRTHDAY PHUONG!
3. Jessica
- [ J e s s i c a ] - [ If you take an Oriental person and spin him around several times, does he become disoriented? ] - says:
happy bday for tomorrow
Lovely, eh?
I'm not playing Dofus because there's nothing to do. Sigh
starring stixibuns aired at 10:27 PM 0 ad-breaks
Saturday, January 6, 2007
Dofus is SO gay
Oh my God. Helsofar's wife/fiance is CRAZY! She gets us in to this fight, and then LEAVES us with these ANNOYING people who make me want to stab mself in the EYE.
And we're going to die because they're SPASTIC!
*stabs them*
starring stixibuns aired at 9:05 AM 1 ad-breaks
genres: anger, dofus, spastic players
Friday, January 5, 2007
Sort of feeling sad but happy.
Playing Dofus.
Kind of sleepy.
starring stixibuns aired at 5:00 AM 0 ad-breaks
Thursday, January 4, 2007
I got soul, but I'm not a soldier
Why? Why? WHY?
I didn't REALLLY mean to say it.
starring stixibuns aired at 10:04 AM 0 ad-breaks
Wednesday, January 3, 2007
Stoopid Blon Blon and her guilt trips.
It was just some fun cos I was bored.
Jeez, it was her fault ANYWAY.
Now I have to apologize.
It was sort of depressing when he was like "Whats wrong Quinny?"
Okay! New Years Resolution: Don't be so mean to everyone.
starring stixibuns aired at 6:00 AM 0 ad-breaks
genres: dofus
Monday, January 1, 2007
Little Peter Rabbit has a Fly Upon his nose.
Little Peter rabbit has a fly upon his nose.
Little Peter rabbit has a fly upon his nose.
Little Peter rabbit has a fly upon his nose.
And he flicked it till it flew away.
That song is stuck in my head.
My brother made a version: Little Strange Quinterra is really bloody weird.
Isn't he a lovely person.
I'm playing Dofus. =)
starring stixibuns aired at 3:03 AM 0 ad-breaks