Burt Computer
Jan 2004- Oct 2007
the best of friends.
musings of a television addict
starring stixibuns aired at 4:21 AM 1 ad-breaks
I just got back from the 21st ARIAs. It was pretty cool. James Matherson (is that how its spelt?) was steadily getting drunker and drunker. Rove was stupid, that guy is never funny. Hamish and Andy were there and I love them! YAY! HAMISH AND ANDY! Operator Please were on some sort of energy thing cos man... they were HYPER. JD Trio/Kieth Urban were better than I expected. Silver Finger didn't play the song I wanted to hear. Powder Chair were not very exciting (And I realise I changed the last words). Gotye was AWESOME-O! Someone buy me his CDs!
P.S. John stole me a pass out card! YAY!
starring stixibuns aired at 4:43 AM 1 ad-breaks
WARNING: Teenage girls all get their ranting time. This is mine.
I've noticed really recently that my close group of friends that I talk to everyday has gotten considerably smaller. I remember the days when I knew heaps about every person in the group I sit with and I considered them all friends. Now, I look around my lunchtime's circle and see people that I don't even know.
I know that I won't get along with a lot of them, maybe because of different tastes, and opinions, but there's old friends who I only talk to in awkward, rambling conversations. I really wish I could be closer friends with these people but if I try will we just drift apart again?
I wonder sometimes if many of these people even like me, my wonderings further fueled by the fact that the majority of my group was invited to a birthday party and I was one of the few left out, what's even sadder is that I considered the birthday girl a good friend, we share many classes and I talk to her on a regular basis. Maybe my thoughts were not shared.
At school I hear my "friends" talking about how they visit each other blogs nightly, its like some sort of strange teenaged ritual, whereas my blog has one, maybe two readers.
I love my close friend, the five girls that I talk to everyday and share everything with, but is it bad for me to want more? I know I should appreciate what I have and how completely awesome my friends are, but...
I don't know.
starring stixibuns aired at 6:24 AM 5 ad-breaks
Rich Kid
[ ] You go tanning.
[x] You own a cell phone.
[ ] You own more than one designer bag.
[ ] You love/like going to the mall.
[x] You own an iPod/MP3 player.
[ ] You love Starbucks.
[x] You have been called a brat.
[ ] You have tons of shoes
[ ] You hate buying things that are on sale
[ ] You have more than one house
total: 3
[ ] Black is one of your favorite colors.
[ ] You have thought about death.
[ ] You wear chains.
[ ] You like heavy metal.
[ ] You've shopped at Hot Topic.
[ ] You have worn black lipstick.
[ ] Your hair was/is dark.
[ ] You dislike preps.
[ ] You're an Atheist
[ ] You have/want piercings.
[ ]you can skateboard
[x]You wear plaid.
[x]You like Converse.
[ ] You hate MTV.
[x] You have/had blue, pink, red, purple, or green hair.
[ ]You love/like skater girls/boys.
[x] You dislike pink.
[ ] You hate preps.
[x] You wear/wore skateboarding shoes.
Total: 5
[x] You love the computer.
[ ] You like Star Wars.
[x] You wear glasses/contacts
[ ] You get straight A's.
[x] You love/like reading.
[x] were/are in band.
[x] You have a curfew.
[x] You always do your homework.
[x] You never miss school unless your sick.
Total: 7
[ ] You are depressed sometimes.
[x]You have black-rimmed glasses.
[ ] You like the band Thursday.
[ ] You cry easily.
[] You like emo music.
[x] You hate being called emo.
[x] You keep a journal/diary.
[x]You have written a sad poem
[x] You have/had a sad MySpace layout.
[x] Take medicines/drugs.
Total: 6
[ ] You like rap.
[ ] You are in a gang.
[ ] You wear rubberbands in your pants.
[ ] You swear a lot.
[ ] You have had a freestyle battle.
Total: 0
[x] You like loud music
[x] You love the Ninja Turtles
[x] You never walk anywhere.
[ ] You wear slip-on shoes.
[ ] You love Norma Jean.
[x] You wear band Tees.
[ ] You love to "hardcore" dance
[x] Your hair has been dyed more than one color.
[] You wear blue jeans.
Total: 5
Stix |
"Procrastination is close to godliness" |
'What is your personal life motto?' at QuizGalaxy.com |
starring stixibuns aired at 1:40 AM 1 ad-breaks
genres: quiz