Time: 0158, 09/11/08
I'm writing this on the notes section of my mobile as I sit on the couch at my brother's house. He's playing Gears of War 2 and using me as a coffee slave ( can you say Ianto?). I'm also having my first experience with black coffee. It amazes me that it's taken me this long! I mean, I love: television, then coffee and reading.and its taken me THIS long to try black coffee?!
But... that's not the point.
I made this step further into the world of coffee because I'm so freaking bored at the moment that I've been... experimenting with coffee (sugar amounts, milk, no milk, dash of milk) and there isn't that much stuff to try with instant coffee, milk and sugar.
Hence the blackneess.
But I'm rather enjoying it. Granted it's like... seventy percent cugar (blatant lie, only one extra teaspoon). But it's keeping me awake like all good (and bad) coffee should.
I'm missing my house. With Christian (the laptop) and Stevie (the television) and good Foxtel and a coffee machine and Torchwood DVDs! Oh well, I'm hoping to get home early in the morning!
My brother really needs to get rid of his instant coffee. Not that my cheap arse grounds are much better. Let's just be grateful it isn't Nescafe. Eugh, that "coffee" (see: dirt) tastes like piss. Lovely.
Hm, I wonder if I can go home on the earliest train? Thats only like... three hours and four coffees away!
I miss home. Home has television. And no loud, shoot 'em, bang bang games. And coffee only when I want it. And talking to Penny. And YouTube episodes of Queer as FOlk. And my bed. And chewing gum. And endless supplies of bottled water.
Hang on, I have to ee
0221, 11/09/08
I'm going to have to brush my teeth again. Trust my brother to only start with the coffee demands after I'd brushed my teeth. And I followed my hygienist's instructions to the letter.
Oh, all this coffee is making my tummy hurt.. Maybe I'll lay off it tomorrow.
Today, whatever.
I really hope Rocco comes over and fixes my DVD recorder today. I have like... seven hours of Spicks and Specks to transfer to DVD. It's pretty awesome.
Oh no! My favourite character in Gears of War died! Goodbye Carmaine! I'll always remember you as the guy with no face!
Oh god, my brother got swallowed by a huge worm thing and is now running away from it's poo (they call it "debris", yeah right). And shooting it's butthole.
I think I might vomit a little.
Or maybe piss my pants from laughing too hard.
Or all of the above.
Aw, my brother's internet connection died. I hope he doesn't go to sleep. I'm so hopped up on caffiene!
Oh, his internet is back! Yay! Lol! I think him and Ben were talking about how I should go to sleep.
Not bloody likely.
Too. Much. Coffee.