Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Ridiculous Conversations are taking over my life *grins*

This conversation started because of a long argument about my sister's strange "love" of Zac Efron

Me (10:22pm):
My brain hurts
Penny (10:23pm):
too much zac efron :P
hes hurting your brain

Me (10:24pm):

Penny (10:25pm):
hmm.. he should be an allie but i dont think he is. hes gay and wears pink but.. i dont think we can trust him

Me (10:32pm):
I agree
(*fangirls* in two weeks and four weeks my favourite season 1 eps of torchwood are on)

Penny (10:34pm):
when i saw the *fangirls* i thought it was about efron and got quite scared but then i realised it was of course about ianto

I'm disappointed I didn't save the conversation I had yesterday with Penny about cloning. It was slightly... insane. But did leave me with the beautiful image of two Ianto Joneses. Mmm. Tasty.

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