Friday, January 25, 2008

Roll out those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer...

The title of this entry is taken from a Nat King Cole song Those Lazy-Hazy-Crazy Days of Summer. I like it, its in an episode of Gilmore Girls. The problem, though, is that that I always get the order of the title mixed up. Its rather confusing... For example, when I was searching for the lyrics I typed in 'hazy, lazy, crazy'. I know its weird, but it annoys me that I can't remember little things like that...

Anyway, rather than rambling on about an old song, I'll tell you about my day. I slept deeply until about one o'clock and then watched some of Season Four of Gilmore Girls before I got out of bed at one.

I spent the next hour or so talking to Sarah about her lame-o baby shower she's having and making fun of crazy baby shower games. I then did the most exciting thing I did all day. But I must tell you the back story first.

At my high school we have to have 'mostly white lace up sneakers' for sports so last year my mum bought me some white converse high tops (man, I got some heat about that from my teachers) and I wore them all year. But now, as a year eleven student, I no longer have sport and I wondered 'what am I going to do with a pair of boring white cons?' so my mother suggested I decorate them with fabric paint.

Okay, back story done.

So, today, I researced decorating and customising Chuck Taylors and spent time surfing websites (someone buy me all the shoes of this site: and came across a pair of converse that have the Disney version of 'The Chesire Cat' and inspiration struck! I would decorated my boring, white converse with the Mad Hatter from Alice's Adventure's in Wonderland.

I've now completed the rough sketch on my left converse and have to bleach the left one to get rid of the stains. I'll post a picture of them later.

Continuing with my day: I then watched Casanova (which I enjoyed... sort of), followed quickly by an hour or two of tv. Mum came home and I made us pasta for dinner, I'm trying to find some nice easy recipes to make when I'm back at school...

I then moved back into my room and am now finishing season four of Gilmore Girls.

You can probably tell why I chose this particular name for this entry.


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