Monday, June 18, 2007

Sucky Subjects, New Words and Cold Feet

Today as I am a year 10 student who will (next year) be in year 11 I had to go with my mum to this subject talk thing, lets just say, after a long time of listening to some lady talk, then some other lady talk, then my favourite teacher talk, we got our subject selection forms. Oh, and I should say that I've had my subjects decided on since last year.

- Advanced English
- Music
- Modern History
- Society and Culture
- General Maths
- Some Churchie thing that I have to do

and so I have to choose one subject from each line and... and... and-FREAKING-AND MUSIC AND SOCIETY AND CULTURE ARE IN THE SAME DAMN LINE! So I might have to do music and legal studies instead.

*sighs angrily*

On to more brighter news, Mr B made up and new word today. emotardity; When you're confronted with no longer rare form of emO creature that has become so self-involved and immersed in shitty emO lyrics they no longer function like a human being with a reasonable IQ, hence the fusion into retarded/stupidity.

Or, as I said:

Stix: Is it like "*yells at the emos at her school* Stop spreading your emotardity around us normal people"?
Stix: Or like...
Stix: "*pretends to be hardcore emo and bleed black blood* I suffer from emotardity*"


*coughs* anyway...

My feet are cold =]

Thursday, June 14, 2007

50 Questions...

1. So, what did you do all day?
Stuff =] But most importantly I got my first comment from ANDREA!!! YAY!

2. What is the most expensive thing you've bought recently?
That crappy DS game. Waste of money =]

3. Last concert (or show) you attended?
Maybe U2?

4. Coolest thing you've gotten in the mail lately:
The cable my dad made me.

5. Describe your favourite article of clothing:
Favourite pants: black punk pants from Camden Market in London, red stitching with red skull and crossbones decorating pockets, hem and various other places, detachable legs, braces.
Favourite shirt: Blue, button-up Superman shirt, 1 in 10000 made, red and yellow stripe on breast pocket, superman crest on breast pocket.

6. Last video game played:
Mario Strikers on Wii.

7. How many CDs do you have by any ONE artist or group?:
Green Day, all.

8. What's for dinner?:
Hungry Jacks.

9. Do you have any collections?:
Green Day, paper clips, badges, letters, keys.

10. What was the last board game you played?:
I think Trivial Pursuit?

11. Who won?:
My mum, probably. I know she cheats.

12. Do you subscribe to any magazines?
Buffy/Angel magazine. Yeah-baby!

13. Last movie you saw at a theater:

14. Last movie you watched at home:
Ocean’s 12. Freaking Awesome. I’m in love with Matt Damon.

15. Do you have any special traditions only you or your family know about?

16. What was the last thing you created:
My poster wall.

17. Are you reading any books right now?:
Umm, Talented Mr Ripley.

18. Do you remember your favorite book from childhood?:
There’s a Hippopotamus on my roof eating cake is what I can think of at the moment.

19. What do you do when you can't fall asleep?:
Get up and play Dofus.

20. Have you ever randomly bumped into a actor/actress/or other generally famous person on the street?:
Yes, Tom Cruise.

21. Are you more likely to read a book you've never read before if it's been made into a movie?:

22. Have you discovered what podcasts are yet? Do you have a favorite?:
Yes, Hamish and Andy closely followed by The Official Dofus Podcast.

23.What is your favorite kind of food that you only get to have once a year:
Christmas Mint Cookies.

24. What's that noise?:

25. Last DVD box set you bought?:
Umm… Numbers Season 2.

26. Are there any musical artists that you used to like but don't anymore because their style of music changed too much?:
*shrugs* Probably, just can’t remember =P

27. Are there any covers you think are better than the original?
Working Class Hero – Green Day
Tired of Waiting For You – Green Day

28. What food(s) do you go to the store for ASAP when you run out?:

29. Isn't there another appropriate response for "I love you" besides "I love you, too."?:
I love me too =]

30. Last new artist that you listened to and really liked:
I dunno.

31. Last new one you hated:
All of them =]

32. In which country do you wish you'd been born?

33. When was the last time you were scared shitless?:
Heaps of times.

34. Do you like it when old ladies refer to you as "Dear", or "Hon", or "Sugar"?:
No. That’s freaking weird, ‘specially those who like… DON’T KNOW ME!

35. What is your favorite physical flaw:
My constant growth spurt =]

36. Share random fact about yourself:
I’m freaking cold =] And ANDREA is AWESOME!

37. What's the best field trip you ever went on?:
I dunno. The ones without worksheets =P

38. Have you ever dressed up for Halloween at work?:
Yes. I wore a witches hat to school once.

39. Do you have any clothes that you pilfered or inherited from your parents?:
Yep, a jumper from my Dad.

40. How old is "old" to you?:

41. What was the last free thing you've gotten?:
A present from my Dad

42. What's your favorite black and white movie?:
To Kill A Mockingbird

43. What color would you like to bleed?:
Black! So I can go up to emos and say “Yeah! I actually DO bleed black blood! I’m way more hardcore than you!” Damn Elmos.

44. Do you know any Furries?:
I know someone who knows Furries.

45. If you have a wall calender, what kind is it?:
Green Day =]

46. Have you ever been to a convention?:
Yep, a sucky anime one. I cosplayed.

47. If you were to dress up as a musician, which one would you be?:
Mike Dirnt (SO AWESOME!)

48. Do you have a thing about ruining new stuff by personalizing?:

49. Ever have those moments when you realize that you somehow just cheated death?:

50. Does it boggle your mind?:
I don’t know, because I’ve never cheated death. DUH! Stupid Quiz.

♥ for Sanzel


♥ for ANDREA!

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Freaking AWESOME!

Yeah, baby! My blog is FINALLY working again! 'Cept, now MySpace has gone and died on me. initiate sarcasm Woo. Awesome. conclude sarcasm

But thats okay, cos I've got DOFUS! YAY! Uh-huh, uh-huh. I'm suddenly reminded of Hungry Jacks. Man, I could go for a Hungry Jacks Vegie Supreme Burger. *drool drool*

God, I'm so hungry now.

I had a five day weekend this weekend. See, cos I was "sick" on Thursday, Pupil-Free-Day on Friday, then obviously it was Saturday, now Sunday (woo! Sunday) and then it's the Queen's Birthday.

I saw Zodiac yesterday. My familt fully thought I'd be like peeing my pants but I'd read about the Zodiac killer like 3 years ago, while I was home alone (yeah, take my advice and don't EVER do that) so I totally knew all the stuff that happened. LOL! My mum kept asking me questions.

I've also decided I really like the Ocean's movies (Ocean's 11, Ocean's 12, and hopefully Ocean's 13) so I'm watching them at the moment. Awesome-o. And tomorrow I'm going to see Bridge to Terabithia cos I really like that book and I hope the movie doesn't wreck it.

Oh! On Friday I went to the city with my friends. We went karaoke (awesome) And we took sticker photos, but it was like... POURING down. ANd my shoes and socks got so wet and my feet were so cold they hurt =] And some lady yelled at us when I tried to take photos of Sally in Gothic Lolita clothes PLEASE DELETE!

Man, its so damned cold. Freaking Winter! *looks at her warm bed* Maybe I should go back to sleep =P

Okay, well I'm gunan go borrow some movies from Civic.

